Week of August 27th

Parent / Teacher conferences are coming.  Look for a sign-up sheet or email this week from your child’s teacher.

This week in:

Language Arts– Introduce Myths, Compare and Contrast two pieces of literature

Spelling- This week: Long /i/ vowel sound

Writing– Practice informative response format for KidBiz Journals

Math– Multiplication Strategies GoMath! Chapter 3

*Unit test on Thursday*

Social Studies- Physical and Human Geography: Natural Resources


Question to ask your child:  1) “What is an example of the Commutative Property of Multiplication?” (It’s when the numbers (factors) of a multiplication equation are flip/ flopped.  The order can be changed. Ie 4 x 5 = 5 x 4, or 6 x 3 = 3 x 6.  The order doesn’t affect the answer (product).


Upcoming Events

  • August 27th Fundraiser Assembly
  • September 3rd Labor Day, No School
  • September 7th Family Movie Night and Camp Out at Wolf Canyon 5:30pm
  • September 13th – 20th Parent/ Teacher conferences
  • September 24th – October 10th Fall Break

Week of August 20th

This week in:

Language Arts– Continue with the “Close Reading” Strategy, Introduce Fables

Spelling- This week: Long /e/ vowel sound

Writing– Practice informative response format for KidBiz Journals

Math– Multiplication Strategies GoMath! Chapter 3

Social Studies- Physical and Human Geography: California Regions


Question to ask your child:  1) “What type of sentence do you use to start an informative written response?”  (An IVF sentence is used as our topic sentence.  First we Identify the article, then we use a Verb like “explains or describes”and Finish with the words from the prompt or the “gist” for a summary response. Ie. The KidBiz article “Wolves in Dogs Clothing” describes how dogs and wolves share a special gene that helps them to survive.


Upcoming Events

  • August 27th Fundraiser Assembly
  • September 3rd Labor Day, No School
  • September 7th Family Movie Night and Camp Out at Wolf Canyon 5:30pm
  • September 13th – 20th Parent/ Teacher conferences
  • September 24th – October 10th Fall Break

Week of August 6th

This week in:

Language Arts– Continue with the “Close Reading” Strategy, main idea, text features and text connections

Spelling- This week: Long “a” Vowel patterns

Writing– Personal narratives and informative summaries

Math– Review and assess our unit on place value and rounding to the nearest tens and hundreds place.  Begin unit on understanding multiplication.

Social Studies- Physical and Human Geography: Physical Features (Bodies of water, mountains, desert, and coastal plains.

Questions to ask your child:  1) “What are the 5 W’s?” (Who, What, Why, Where and When.  They may also include How)  2) “Why are they important?” (They provide the details of a story or article and help us to organize the information into a summary.)


Upcoming Events

  • August 15th K- 3rd Grade Curriculum Night 6pm – 7:30pm
  • August 16th 4th – 6th Grade Curriculum Night 6pm – 7:30pm
  • September 3rd Labor Day, No School